The mail contains bad news and a head.

Yesterday, Friday, was not great.

I could get into it all but I won’t.

This is a huge change from my early Live Journal days when I would reveal all intimacies (with certain filters in place) and find it therapeutic to do so.  I’ve already told this story to a few close friends and will repeat the story over the next few days to others. Yet the idea of typing it out and drafting that and exploring my words until I have THE way to say it all? Not here. Not like this.

I wanted something.

I didn’t get it but I didn’t NOT get it.

I’m literally in the in-between.

There was a brief letter with three options on it:

  • Accepted

  • Accepted if an accepted person falls through.

  • Rejected.

And the middle one was circled. Not metaphorically but in a Do you like me?: Check Yes or NO way except “Check: Yes, You’ll do if something better falls through, or No”

And I got a doll head. Bad news and a doll head.

I shared my story with a few friends and didn't do anything with the head.

I did finish a pair of pajama pants for Monomono who has been channeling my mood.

I drafted those pj’s…twice as the first pair didn’t ride high enough. She needs a lounging sweatshirt/sweater and a coffee mug.

Now it’s Saturday and I’m home after teaching three back-to-back dance classes and a brief nap.

(This is some of what I teach Saturday mornings…thus the nap. That’s a lot of little hops)

Fun fact: A lot of doll videos and sites warn you ahead of time about DOLL NUDITY...because it seems some folks can't handle DOLL NUDITY.

Wig from the side photographed:

And the view not shown in the listing:

There's some sort of WIRE with hair running around the wig in the back.

From one side the hair cascades the correct way but on the other? NOPE

So...I'm just going to think about that later because I have no way to understand why that wig that.

Now The Professor who has put up with me typing and bothering him




Prosthetic leg.