My First Blythe: Part 1


There is Doll Nudity ahead. I've seen enough videos and web pages to now know that people put a disclaimer for this fact. I have NO idea what sort of angry mail they get when they don't. I hope it's just because naked dolls exude a eldritch sadness and not for doll sexuality.

I bought a “Factory Blythe” off Wish. When you're in Japan, knockoffs from China come quickly. There are conflicting reports of if Takara makes the Factory Blythes and they just don't get marketed or they are crazy factory hodgepodges of parts that don't pass minor quality control from multiple dolls.

Mine isn’t obviously fake...not the sort of bootleg you’d have to call Brize or Blype... There are no mismatched skin colors or fit issues. It has the Takara trademarks on the head and the body and the legs bend as they are supposed to.

But, it was affordable (around 30 dollars instead of 100 or higher) so it’s not “real real”

Real Blythe dolls are haunted by the spirit of pug dogs who have passed on but still want to pee on things.

Because I’m going to open it up and carve into its face plate, I don’t care that it's not the genuine article. My doll joy isn’t in finding and collecting released dolls. I'll never make a youtube video bashing fake or factory Blythes and neither should's a bad look.

Second Disclosure:

On FaceBook I took a poll... because this Blythe started getting super creepy quickly.

Poll: Yes, more creepy dolls. Do you want to see photos throughout the process as it happens OR should I wait until the end of the face up and show those freaky process photos all at once?

  • 71%Process! I<3 eyeless dolls

  • 29%Nightmares all at once.

Like a lot of my friends, you may have thought that Blythe had one pair of eyes. Like a human…. or the pugs that haunt them.

WRONG! They have four pairs of eyes: two that look directly at your and two that side eye. Each set is a different color. Like Pullip dolls you can remove the eyechips and replace them. Unlike Pullip dolls, this involves melting the tip of a hot glue stick, adhering it to the eye chip and pulling the chip out that way.

With a pull of the cord at the back of her head: Blythe’s eyelids roll down, her eye-mech makes an ungodly noise, and her eyes change.

I’ve learned the way to customize a Blythe is not just to remove it’s face and sand away the shiny finish…you CARVE into it. So, I picked up some carving tools and more files.

Then I knew what this Blythe would become..and that the dream I’ve had since high school art metals class would come true: buying my own router.

Perfect time to get one! Because it came during Japan’s Golden Week Holiday which I spent like this. Tendonitis flareup! Dolls and Ice!

No worries, because today was this sort of day:


Why the corner triangles at the eyes?


She’s becoming Aggretsuko!
Now, I’ve been on the Aggretsuko bandwagon for over a year. I have a LOT of little goodies AND a HUGE Aggretsuko purse. I’m pleased that she got her own show on Netflix AND it’s on Netflix Japan in multiple languages. You should be watching it.

And this is either genius or a horrible monster in the making. The early stages of carefully priming her face and building up layers of chalk pastel/watercolor pencil, scared even me…and was why I posted a poll on Facebook.

I know.

We’re going to crazy town and this is just the first stop.


Restorative Crafting: Jack Skellington and the Scammer.


Ariel from the Box.