Alice could be living....anywhere.

Last night a friend messaged me to catch up and to let me know he’s read this blog and…”crikey, dolls creep me out!”

Accurate. My humor thrives on discomfort. I’m a cuddly creep, it’s how I get past your guard.

“I was looking and thinking ‘fuck, that’s creepy. Very, very good. But very creepy.’”

And now…he might not ever know where dolls sit in wait…for him.

In the Scammer Aftermath ( )

I made a few trips to Ebony’s place. Taking the train from my area to Ebony’s means a transfer at Ikebukuro, Tokyo….where Dollyterria (my prime location for used dolls and accoutrements) has just expanded to two (tiny) floors of dolls.

While fixing up a Jack Skellington for Ebony, I purchased a used Little Pullip Alice who had seen better days. I can’t resist Alice.

This is what a pristine Alice looks like…albeit the full-sized version

This is what my Alice looked like.

She suited my mood perfectly.

This is the Alice who, like me, had to explain to her therapist that her mid-month email about the insanity around her and her friends and why she might need emergency medication (full-time scammers/police raids/uncovered lies/ abuse/ torture/ confiscated crime scenes) wasn’t overblown…just accurate.

I removed her scarecrow wig and opened up her head. Her eyes are a little cloudy but someone hot glued them into her skull so I decided not to bother changing them.

In Akihabara I picked up a PiccoNemo body a wig and shoes.

I wanted a brunette Alice because I was a selfish, brunette, only-child.

I made her a new dress without a pattern.

It’s rough around the sleeves because TINY. I

put a new front panel on her existing pinafore so it would correctly fit her new body. I embroidered it because I can. I’ll probably make her new white bloomers when I’m ready to work that small again.

That’s a 14cm/ 5.5 inch body.

And I thought I was done…but then I looked at Pinterest.

That’s how the craftsters get you.

And I saw one of Helen CW’s Blythe Doll Carry Cases.

And I posted it on Saturday morning. And my friends whispered, “you must….you just must.” And Ebony shouted “Seria has so many wooden boxes.” And I was shouting, “I can combine my love of making things with my love of being organized?!”

Before I knew it I was making a detour to a 100¥ shop before teaching my Saturday dance lessons.

I got two of the larger wooden boxes, some hinges, wood, and a closure.

Once home, I cut one of the boxes down and sanded it. I made a drawer. There was a lot of sanding and glue. I only have 100¥ cutting tools.

Now. I THOUGHT it was going to be a home for a Dal Doll, because I never measured anything.

Alice fit. It would be Alice’s

I thought a while and decided it would become an homage to the sitting room Alice is in at the start of Through the Looking Glass.

I found some images online and resized them. I picked a cover I liked from an edition of Through the Looking Glass that appealed to me (if I weren’t making it for myself I’d get artist permission, make my own, or go for a version beyond copyright) and raided my stash of acrylic paints.

Sunday, I visited a Book-Off (used books and Magazines ) and bought a used catalogue for gothic Lolita looks (so many Alice references). I found some miniature inspiration at the adjoining Hobby-Off. I hit a fabric store for decoupage paste. At an art supply store I bought ornate origami for the wallpaper. It’d read a bit Asian influenced for England but I figured that with the right surroundings it would just read “Orientalist Inspired”

I also realized that if you put Alice in a doll stand too tall for her, she levitates with great menace.

It’s now Wednesday and the decoupage is nearly done.

I’ll soon be figuring out how to upholster a chair for Alice…but not tonight or tomorrow, as I have relaxing and teaching to do. Expect a final installation early next week.

Until then….obey.


Emily's Doll: Will a doll help?


Frightfully Tall RAVEN