Updates: Continue moving forward

Job stress:

Will I be under employed? Can I find a different job quickly? Will I get permanent residency? Should I just go with being underemployed and cram for JLPT N2 6 months earlier than planed?

These are the things that make me want to just nap all day. When I’m asleep, I can’t consciously worry. I’ve had a few days since learning about work that involved doing one or two things and then nap. Nap. Nap.

I know this is depression.

When I can craft, that’s a win. It means I’m not asleep all day. I’m working on my kanji and Japanese gramar studies daily as well. I’ve applied to various jobs and…if I don’t hear anything in 3 hours…will do more of that. I continue to teach dance and know I may need to increase that soon.

I’ve had an interveiw….but I haven’t heard back since.


Always go early to interviews to make sure you can find the location.

This is extra important when you travel by train and on foot. But you don’t want to officially arrive TOO early, that’s a bad look. Hopefully the offices will be located near a Donki Hote or similar store where you can relax a bit.

In doll land:

I am knitting Snow a sweater and have made her jeans. I don't plan to keep her. I do plan to try and sell her and a few of the other Disney Animators dolls I've done. Knitting helps. Even when I have to frog a row, I concentrate. 

I’ve been modding a random 200yen figure to make a “Pretty Pegasus Raven” to try what I think is a Japanese version of Apoxy Sculpt, Wave Epoxy Putty (light weight).

Yes, taking a handsaw to a doll’s hair was…theraputic.

She’ll get more putty layers before I’m finished.

Raven the average sized Ever After Doll continues as well. I’ve made her her cape, her arm/thingies and boots.

I sculpted some accessories and her belt from air-dry polymer clay..but they are still drying.

And that’s how I’m moving forward.

There are three dolls on my balcony drying a new layer of Mr.Superclear.

I’m reminding myself that I only awoke a few hours ago so I can’t possibly nap yet. I’m thinking about lunch.

I sculpted some accessories and her belt from air-dry polymer clay..but they are still drying.

That's how I'm moving forward.

There are three dolls on my balcony drying a new layer of Mr.Superclear.

I'm reminding myself that I only awoke a few hours ago so I can't possibly nap yet.

I'm thinking about lunch.


Every Day is Wednesday.


Snowover it.