With and without...and another box.

It’s been a month since my last post.

A dooooozy of a month…but not as bad as last year. It was the one year anniversary of the horrible reveal that one of my friends is an international con artist and another friend is so much worse (the legal case on the second still drags on). So while things have sucked…last year around this time I was only getting 3-4 hours a sleep and had a few breakdowns.

This May…not great. It was physically busy as I continued to grow into my new job and  new commute, in that uneasy valley between full paychecks, and while still substitute teaching an extra night of dance lessons for the second month in a row. Then the last week hit HARD.  

In October of last year, my shrink had to move to Hokkaido. She set me up with a decent doctor. That second doctor is now hospitalized and it’s not clear when or if he’ll return to practice.

After 9 months of waiting, my application for permanent residency was rejected. I’m waiting on an official reason.

And then there’s this…

The baffling absence of The Professor. That’s a “have you seen my pointy antisocial pet” sign. It’s been almost a week with no signs of him.

My good friend Ebony went through health hell here on her Scammer-versary. ..so we’ve been using LINE to check back and forth in a “Hey, I think I”m doing better for these last two hours than you…how can I help?” way.

Mercury isn’t in retrograde, the universe is just an asshole.

But…life goes on and there’s much to doll up on so I figured I’d use some of my Sunday to start figuring out where to begin on updating this.

I do have a whole HAUL of dolls. A friend in America works at a consignment shop and sent me some photos. I promptly made a 9-year old girl  (who was supper nice to her dolls in a way I never was) very happy by buying her whole collection.

One doll isn’t featured because I’ll get to fixing her later.

AND props and extra shoes!

Which brings me to the first thing I did. I primed and repainted that furniture!

My Dolls now have the fainting couch of my dreams.

And I have another new shelf.

So, one foot ahead of the other and one hank of hair at a time.


Here comes the General


Exploring Hands.