A space for my craft.

My apartment is spacious and cheap. It’s why I refuse to move.

It’s also damned hot in summer. When I first moved here 8 years ago I tried to go a while without an air conditioner. By early September I was googling the signs of heat stroke daily and bought an air conditioner for my bedroom. Now  I’ve made the choice to face the latest heat with TWO, count them, TWO rooms I won’t melt in.

My sewing room is the darkest room of the apartment, which makes in horrible for doll work. All other rooms are very well lit.  I’ve done the majority of my doll work in my bedroom, which has given me a cluttered room as there is no space there that has been officially dedicated to doll in progress storage and work.

I decided to turn my dedicated dance space into a hybrid dance and doll space. And to buy a used window mounted air-conditioner off of Yahoo Auctions. Previously my summer dance practice waited until after dark when the room had cooled off and I would set three fans up.

When I bought my window mounted air conditioner (used again) for my bedroom years ago I paid to also get it installed. This time I figured I’d just do it myself.
That thing was heavy but I’m a smallish person full of stubborn strength.

I also bought a used table and had it delivered.

I’m still getting the storage sorted so I have most of what I need in one place and easy to find and clean up. I plan to swap the curtains for little half curtains once I finish making them. If I ever need to block out all the light in the room, all of these windows have metal shutters I can close…because we have typhoon season.

And with that, the summer of crafting begins.


Melody, complete!


Beast Boys