Now even my doll has a mask.

Greetings from Japan.

I also have a homemade mask and will make more. In part because, yes, if you don't have a school providing you with masks...they've been sold out at stores for WEEKS. 

The bags under my eyes aren't from worry.

That's just how I look at 6:30 am Friday after work + three dance lessons on Thursday.

Also, there were false rumors on social media about all paper products in Japan coming from China and thus shipping won't happen and we're about to face a paper-product shortage.

This is untrue because most of the pulp used to produce paper products here is from here...Japan.

It's also now sort of true because, thanks to people freaking out, there's no toilet paper to be bought anymore.

I have a stockpile of tissue because of allergies so I'm safe.Hand sanitizer and rubbing alcohol is also scarce...but I work with kids AND made a fair amount of my own cleaning products so I have enough rubbing alcohol to add to distilled water/glycerine and maybe some aloe-gel as a continue to fill my own containers...on top of regular hand washing.

Wash them hands, folks. 


If I were in a more precarious head space the empty aisles would probably give me 3/11 Earthquake flashbacks. As it is they just annoy me.

So, that's why my doll now has a mask.

I figure I can use some of the time going crazy with nothing to do at work to better research the Japanese terminology around ADHD for my March 6th appointment.

I'd sort of hoped wouldn't fall into the "must come to work" category and could start playing with the airbrush I now have...but going crazy at work has the advantage of a paycheck.


Airbrush resistance: Art School


Let's hear it for good workmanship!