Bubble Bath

Yesterday I plugged away. I've trying to finish ongoing doll products but am quickly figuring out what small supplies I need...and don't have.

Beast Boy needs some EVA craft foam to make his belt. I don’t have it.

17″ Starfire needs more “Grapeberry Saran…just a tiny bit..Don’t have it.

I started to thing about the next steps for a lot of my unfinished dolls and many of them require a fabric store trip.

And that’s how “I won’t start new projects” became “This is a pandemic…does trying to plan my dolls really matter? If I’m working on my Japanese study and content for online dance lessons while stuck at home…does not starting new dolls matter? Because I have a CRATE and more of raw dolls and that’s stuff I can do without more supplies.”

And THAT is when I took a hacksaw to two dolls.

Hormone Monstress from Big Mouth it is.

She's not doll shaped. Her face is probably going to be "interpreted" a good deal.

She's REALLY not monster high shaped...but I have a container of Monster High dolls. 

It took me some trial and error to find a leg length I liked. The hot glue is just there to bulk her up before adding Apoxie Sculpt.

Why did I add hot glue before I was REALLY finished? Because, remember me NOT planning this and winging it? This is what winging it with wire/tools/glue looks like.

Damn, I feel like those...calves? need to be shorter still. just a smidge.

I can wait for this Apoxie layer to dry and then saw those calves down a bit.

I did say I hacksawed two dolls...but then I realized I was out of the tinfoil I'd need to create an armature for three tails...so that's on pause.

Hope you're finding moments of joy!


Find the thread.


Clara Bow