My Supply Issue.

I thought I was on schedule and now there are doll bodies everywhere.

This is precisely why I have set a three month goal of producing dolls and blog entries. I need to get a feel for my workflow and potential output under the new conditions of my life before committing to things like a Patreon.

This week’s setbacks are on me.

First, let’s get some positive vibes on what is working.

  • I’ve dedicated a bin in my work space for the doll of the week and anything he/she/they need.

  • Photographing my stock and putting it into my planner has streamlined the process of pairing vague ideas with actual supplies I have.

  • I’ve begun to think in themes and short term goals to reduce the time I sit around wondering what to make or hoping the vague muse of inspiration will visit me.

What does that last point mean in specific examples? I’ve decided on themes for the second and third month of this self-imposed doll challenge.

February I’ll focus on Black dolls. It’ll be Black History month in America AND I’ve wanted to use more doll hair that mimics natural curls/kinky hair and protective hairstyles. That’s not to say that every doll will represent a real Black person. I might be using the Catty Noir Monster High doll to create a more Afro-centric Bastet character….but depending on if I can source black braided hair (right now all my doll hair sources only have colored braided strands) I may move it to the next theme month: Animal Hybrids! Cheshire Cat! Fenneko! Something mermaid or whale themed?

This has allowed me to plan ahead for any supplies I might need, so I have them on hand when I need them.

Supplies are a major part of where I’ve hit a snag this week.

I decided to make a snow themed doll because…there’s a ton of snow right now.

I’m using a Dal head. I bought it on Mercari Japan in 2021 with a bunch of Groove dolls someone had tried to customize and gave up on.

Box of Heads

I have many Dal heads and bodies but I used this one because at some point I’d already removed her face and thought that would save time.

I found a wig I wanted to use in my stash and ordered eye-chips on Etsy.

I primed the face with Mr. Superclear and started.

Then last night things ground to a halt.
1. I’d forgotten to PURCHASE the eye-chips I’d found.

2. Similarly I had put more Mr. Superclear in my Amazon cart and forgotten to go to checkout…and I was about to run out.

It used to be that I would take a 10 minute train ride to Yellow Submarine in Kashiwa and restock Mr. Superclear but in America it’s 3-4 times more expensive and must be ordered.

I placed those orders knowing that the Mr. Superclear wouldn’t get to me by the end of this week.

Then I looked at the head and noticed something I’d missed about this head and the customizations the prior owner had done.

They had widened the neck hole for some sort of hybrid body. I couldn’t use the head with the bodies I had.

I removed the face from a different stock Dal but wasn’t sure I’d have enough Mr. Superclear to prime and finish a whole new face.

That’s when I went to the boxes to find a new body for the first head.

The 11inch “Comfy Squad” Anna doll had a neck/head peg I could alter the head to use and the size of the body would work. Unfortunately the skin tone isn’t a good match. An Elsa/Snow White/Merida from the doll series would work.

I made the choice to alter the head and use the Anna body, make a dress for it, and try to have that finished this week…and then swap bodies when I get one that works.

I’ve found and purchased a used Elsa and Rapunzel (total 11$ USD including shipping) for that purpose. It should arrive in the next week.

My Mr. Superclear wont arrive until Feb 5th or so. I might have enough to last the week but next week will be a bust. So how am I to make a doll next week or the week after?

Next week I’ll swap in a Doll Related Project in place of the doll.

I’ve started a few wooden boxes for a doll trunk. I think I have two boxes that will work after minor sanding and planeing. Next week will be dedicated to constructing a doll trunk and planning how to deal with the following week.

Tomorrow I start on the Snow Dress.

In the evening my friend Chuck and I will tour The Bodgery a Madison makers space with tools. I might become a member for a few months to have access to a woodshop, 3-d printer and other tools/makers.

So I think I’m back on track…kinda.


Eat Your Serving of Elephant


Beyond Ennui